This is the cove I'll send to you

as soon as I locate

a shipping crate sturdy enough,

and watertight, and great.


It is a sweet, secluded spot,

the pebbly beach quite snug,

held by high cliffs on all three sides

in a protective hug.


Each seasonal variety

of water, coast, and air

has untamed charms, and contributes

much character and flair.


You'll love the misty mornings here 

dressed in the hues of pearls,

and the refreshing summer gales

that crest the waves with curls.


There always is a weathered log

of driftwood as a seat

from which to gaze at the blue line

where sky and ocean meet.


Among the green covering the bluff,

bold flowers greet the eye:

bright orange poppies bloom in May,

pink sweet peas in July.


I know you're fond of treasure hunts -

feel free to shed your socks,

and fill them with well-tumbled glass,

and lovely shells and rocks.


Some critters do not want to leave -

"We live here," they insist -

if curious what to expect,

please check the following list:


Three temperamental hummingbirds

(fun aerial displays);

a gently bobbing harbor seal

speckled with browns and grays;


A band of jolly sandpipers

(their tunes are never dull);

two rabbits of the timid sort;

one nosy, noisy gull;


One great blue heron seeking food,

quite dignified and still;

a bunch of river otter pups

splashing around at will;


Nine nimble starfish, purple skinned,

and barnacles galore;

about a dozen spitting clams,

limpets, sea snails and more.


No doubt, you all will get along

together really well -

in so much beauty, space and light,

everything must excel.


I keenly hope you will enjoy

owning this piece of shore.

Please let me know the moment it

does show up at your door.


But if some reason unforeseen

prevents delivery,

I'll send the lines above instead

written for you by me.


Copyright: Silke Stein, 2021